
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT, #13)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's post is:

Top Ten Underrated Books

1. The Program by Suzanne Young
Altered (Altered, #1) The Program was one of those books that you are a little apprehensive about reading. For starters the plot deals with a suicide epidemic that starts affecting the teens across the nation and what the government decides to do about it. With that being said this may not appeal to everyone, but I can say that I went into it with an open-mind and I LOVED it!

2. Altered by Jennifer Rush
Now when reading the synopsis to Altered, a couple words jumped out at me. Hot Teenage Boys..... Experiments..... Genetically Altered..... plus look at that cover.... need I say more?! I was definitely interested and I wasn't dissappointed.

3. Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Unwind was a completely random pick up from the library one day. I thought the premise sounded different from what I had read and I was right. This book is full of suspense and twists and the ending I could have never guessed. Need to get my hands on the rest of the trilogy!

1.The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse
The Forsaken (The Forsaken, #1)I LOVE this cover! I don't know why, but I love its uniqueness. The Forsaken is one of those books that from the beginning gives me a sense of suspense and thrill. It reminds me of The Maze Runner and even The Hunger Games in a way while being captivating on its own.

2. The Testing by Joelle Charboneau
Also if you liked The Hunger Games and want a similar type of storyline, this is the book for you. Although the plots are similar, this book was still good on its own. I read through it pretty quickly and am interested to see how the story progresses in the rest of the trilogy.

3. Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne
This book caught my attention first by the map/diagram on the inside ( I have a thing for maps in books!) and then by its interesting storyline. I was caught off guard by how much I liked this story about a group of kids in an unfortunate situation. The thrill and suspense kept me wanting more and by the end of it I really wanted book 2. 

4. The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
The Pledge (The Pledge, #1)I push this book on so many of my friends, I'm guilt! I really like how this book compares to the modern world and the division of social class by the language you speak. I was very intrigued by the plot and find The Pledge to easily be one of my favorites!

5. Article 5 by Kristen Simmons
This was one of those unlikely discoveries that I made while at the library. I was actually surprised at how much I really liked the storyline. I think it is underrated because of the cover.... well that would be my reason for glancing over it. But don't judge a book by its cover and check it out!
View my thoughts on Article 5!

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1)
1. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
 The Raven Boys was one of those "well the book I want isn't on the shelves so I guess I'll try this one" type of books. I was on the bottom of my TBR list for a while because from the premise I felt that it would be boring to be honest. Boy was I wrong! I really loved how the book progressed and the twists throughout blew my mind because I couldn't see them coming. I recommend you try it out!

2. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
When I first heard Julie Kagawa was coming out with a new book, I jumped on it the minute it hit my local library. I had been a fan of her books ever since I read her Iron Fey Series and I was interested to see how she took on vampires. It was nothing like I expected and I really loved it!
View my thoughts on The Immortal Rules! 

What Are Some Of Your Top Underrated Books?


  1. I absolutely loved The Program! I didn't think I would...but it blew my mind and I was so emotionally involved. Same with The Raven Boys. Although I've read all the Maggie Stiefvater books published and I've loved them ALL. So. Hehe. I knew I'd like that one. I'm really excited for book #3! Here's my TTT!

    1. I know The Program is definitely one of my favorites! I push it on everyone lol, but I have only read The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater so I need to get to reading some of her other books soon. Thanks for stopping by!


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