

Do you love to read?

Well this blog is for you! My name is Erica, and I am an avid book reader! I am currently 22 years old and a senior in college. I mainly read young adult and new adult novels, but I sometimes dabble in middle-grade or adult novels too. My love for reading started at an early age with my many frequent trips to the library to rack up on books to read. I love to read and would love to share my thoughts on the books I read, as well as participate and make friends in the largely growing book community!

I started this blog for three reasons:  


1. I love to read!
2. I wanted to document the books I have read and what I thought about them.
3. I wanted to be able to connect with other readers/ bloggers who share my love of reading and possibly find out about some new great books to try.

I hope to bring many fun and interesting things to this blog and have fun while doing it!
Feel free to add me on Goodreads!

I just got back into reading for fun and I'm enjoying it!! I'm the kind of person who can sometimes get lost in a book for hours! I haven't read many books, but would love to make friends so I can find other great books to read.


  1. Hi Erica, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can find all the information about it on my blog post about it here:


Hey guys! I love reading comments so don't be shy and leave a comment if you would like. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!