
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)

 Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)

Author: Kiersten White
Series: Paranormalcy, #1
Pages: 335
Challenge: Goodreads Challenge 2015
Genre: Paranormal
Acquired: Library
Rating: ★★


Goodreads Summary:

Evie’s always thought of herself as a normal teenager, even though she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, her ex-boyfriend is a faerie, she’s falling for a shape-shifter, and she’s the only person who can see through paranormals’ glamours.

But Evie’s about to realize that she may very well be at the center of a dark faerie prophecy promising destruction to all paranormal creatures.

So much for normal.


 My Thoughts:

Evelyn has always been normal with a twist.... she can see past a creature's glamour (a human like outer appearance) to what kind of creature they are underneath. As she is the only person with this unique talent, she was worked for IPCA, a government paranormal agency that tags and keeps up with all the paranormal creatures, for as long as she can remember. Soon she starts questioning her involvement with the IPCA as well in a strange faerie prophecy.

I really found myself thoroughly liking this book from cover to cover! I liked the characterization most I would say. The characters were portrayed in a way that made you easily like them and ultimately connect and feel sympathy for most of them. I even liked the bad ones oddly enough.... Reth.... :)

Evie is smart, brave, and DIFFERENT. It was nice to read a book with out knowing exactly what she was right away. The intrigue of the mystery made the book that much better for me. I also liked that when Lend came along, he made her think and question herself as well as the extent of her involvement with the IPCA.

Lend and Reth were definitely interesting characters in nature and appearance as well as their roles within the novel. One I liked and the other I'm still questionable about as to the side he is on.... in reference to good or evil..... dunn dunn dunnnnnn (mysterious right! :) )

I liked that this book was completely different from what I was expecting. I thought it would be more of a quick, meh story with average, ok characters, but for me I was given much more. It was weird that I found myself smiling at some parts. I was definitely an enjoyable and entertaining read for me!

Also small interjection..... LEND'S MOM!!!....... one of the most interesting characters I've ever heard of....... like her whole existence is WOW....

One of my favorite scenes was with Evie and her experience with lockers... made me chuckle a little. :) I liked most how Lend and his family were described as well as Reth and his mysteriousness, he's so suspicious.... to like or not to like Reth is the real question... On to what I liked least.... nothing too big, but I wanted more information on APCA and IPCA and Raquel.

I also liked how fluid and fast the story was to read and grasp, nothing was overly complicated or confusing (except the Faerie Paths). I flew through the book without realizing it! I thought it was well executed and I like Kiersten White's writing. Of the books I've read of hers, I have enjoyed all of them, all every enjoyable and entertaining.

Ending: Cliffhanger? Personally I would say no, it sets up the next book, but doesn't really leave you with too much anxiety in absolutely needing the next book immediately after finishing this one. Although I will be continuing because I really liked this one and want to know what will happen next.

Cover: 4/10 ..... (girl in a dress on the cover) but all the covers match!!!
Rating: 4/5 ..... enjoyable, quick, entertaining
I would recommend to those looking for a good young adult paranormal trilogy with a little paranormal romance and many different paranormal creatures!

Book 2: Supernaturally (Goodreads)
Book 3: Endlessly (Goodreads)

If you have read this book, let me know your thoughts below!!



  1. I haven't heard of this one, it does have a promising premise though - thank you for putting it under my radar now :) Benish | Feminist Reflections

    1. No problem! I thought it was pretty good, hope you like it!

  2. Hey, I just nominate you to the Versatile Blogger Award! Click here to read more :)


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