
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Versatile Blogger Award

Thanks so much Tiffany @ The Bookish Thought for nominating me!

Here are the rules and what to do next:

1. Nominate 15 other bloggers relatively new to blogging
2. Let the bloggers know that you've nominated them
3. Share 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

10 Random Facts About Me!
      1. I LOVE COFFEE!
      2. I am currently a freshman in college.
      3. Addicted to Netflix
      4. Poodles are my favorite breed of dog :)
      5. I am 5'2.... haha yes that short
      6. Not a huge fan of ice cream or pizza
      7. Career of choice: Anesthesiologist or Dermatologist
      8. Chocolate anything is my favorite!
      9. Professional procrastinator
    10. Blue is one of my favorite colors.
** If I wasn't sure if you were relatively new to blogging, I picked you based on having less than 3,000 overall page views or if I could see that you had been blogging for around year (a little more or a little less). ** 

Also sorry if you have already been nominated, I tried my best to double check!

I nominate:


  1. Thanks for nominating me :)

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination, but I have done this post already. It's absolutely fine though, I've made that mistake a few times. :)
    I'm 5'2" as well. SHORTIES ruleeeee.

    1. You're welcome, sorry! Haha I had a feeling I would accidentally pick someone that had already been nominated! and YES shorties definitely rule!


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